


masa semakin menghimpit diriku..aduh..penat nye..daa lme gk xmencoret di sini tempat luahan perasaan ini diari online..i guess....lots thing wanna do and also wanna do....
really.... nk rehat cuti..take a break b4 the time is running out...huhu

guys....mcm2 hal yg jdik...kje mkn tambah2...projek baru..fuhh..penat..ble laa ley kwen cmnie..huhu ada kje kosong x..nk wt part tiem nk cri side income lain hehehe

if i got a chance to be someone someday i really wanna be an actress i guess..i can be anything that i wanna be a doctor,teacher,drafter,lawyer anything else ahaa could be a singer  yeah a a talented singer and dancer..yeah wanna see eye to eye wth Dato' Siti i guess..interesting isn't?? haha

bestnye...hehe berangan2 laa...mne laa thu kot2 dpt Simply Siti percuma haa...kan syok...mahal gk tue lau nk bli...winx2~~~~   <^_^>

isshhhhhh.....daa ngarut nie...haha 
ermm actually i wanna start my new novel..aduh lpe lakk..daa bli novel bru ramlee awang mursyeed..bce je xsmpat lagi konon2 bz rr xsmpat baca..adeh..

....Cinta Sufi laa....novel bru dia smbungan Hijab Sang Pencipta.....

chewaahhh...preview novel org plak hik2..feveret nie...ambe ske deme nye book laa en. ramlee...
tpi ada lgi nk...tpi tak tergapai..nk cuti..kawan2..moh lee cuti..
dak2 seklah plan nk wt reunion time cti bln 6 nie..ermm ntah lee..rse2 mcm2 xbley je sbb projek sek yg kt wkf tembesu daa start so cuti mgkin beku laa cket huhu bestnye klu dpt pi kan...seronok...tpi npok gaye nye xdpt lee nk join...

aduh...kje je memanjang......bored....

nak rest..ermmm....macam2 hal laa................


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